

A WHALE SNEEZED IN MY FACE OMG A gray whale blew water into my face 😱 Best day ever?

Before you all be like “did you just touch that whale?” Hell yeah I did and it was incredible. Let me explain, but first let me tell you about these amazing animals.

Gray whales can grown up to 15 METERS long and weigh up to 36 tonnes. They live between 55-80 years and have the longest mammal migration is history covering up to 22,000 kilometres.

Here in Lopez Matteos in West Baja California the whales come to the lagoons to raise their new born calves how to dive and survive before they make their journey back to the cold waters of Alaska.

But why are we touching them after all we know as divers and ocean lovers about touching marine life? This is a very intimate and unique experience that the whales have actually created for themselves coming up to boats and seeking out human interaction. Along with studies proving the whales actually like to be rubbed, there have also been studies proving that no infection is passed through human touch (unlike many marine animals which is a big reason we don’t touch other marine animals).

A once-in-a-lifetime moment, experience and memory, and as always I feel humbled to have witnessed these wild animals in their natural environment without threat or abuse. 🐋

Shot on GoPro

See more at

grey whale,lopez mateo,Mexico,Baja California,

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