So we have a new thing in the game, that is second poultry yard and it’s available for 90 emeralds.
Well I was expecting this to be available for coins but it didn’t. I have over 10 million coins. Hello there, ka developers, what am I supposed to do with 10 million coins.
Anyway now there is the question that is it worthwhile to spend 90 emeralds for the 2nd poultry yard? For that first let’s buy and see. i didn’t have enough emeralds so I had to make my first ever purchase in Klondike. So I bought an offer of 60% discount. Now let’s buy the chicken farm.
So having 2 poultry yards means more space for birds to lay eggs. But the birds will lay eggs in 2nd farm only after the 1st farm is full. The only advantage of this is that you will have double number of eggs when you get back to the game once in a long while, let’s say 20 minutes. Also it means your birds will turn into gold more faster and you will have more sweets to use in the cauldron. There could be some people who always run out of eggs, it would be helpful for them. Also it’s worthwhile in long run but it’s not so necessary and important. So now, it’s up to you whether to buy it or not.
Also i have got many requests to make a video on coins management. I’m collecting more information for this and will make a video for coins very soon. Stay tuned and subscribe if you don’t want to miss any uploads from us. Thanks for watching and Happy exploring.