
Exchanges, help save Bitcoin Cash from Tax!

Exchanges, help save Bitcoin Cash from Tax! Please contact your Exchange if u don't want to see $BCH become $BTAX by implementing Infrastructure Funding Plan and taking 5% of all block reward and transaction fees for few selected developers starting May 15th. Ask them to change their client from @Bitcoin_ABC to @BitcoinCashNode as they otherwise will support this fundamental change if - only - 2.5% of all SHA256 Bitcoin miners vote for it!

This would damage their business as few #BitcoinCash customers support this drastic change and do not want Bitcoin Cash name and $BCH ticker be stolen yet again, just check r/btc &, for example:

Interview with @im_uname who is leading Tax resistance and released new client "Bitcoin Cash Node" that is fork of BitcoinABC client but without IFP. Not only a technical Mastermind but also high morals & nice character:

#Investing #Crypto #cryptocurrency


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