Well its the next day and I start by changing a 44 year old air filter , It was just a little dirty ! LOL Now its time to get the hood off and change the fuel tank and get it back on. I think that is an original muffler and clamp and in a way I'm glad it was slobbering cause it made getting it off a lot easer. Its going to need to be replaced no doubt about it and it is heavy from all the burned oil inside it. If I cant find one soon I'll just put a strait pipe on it for the time being till I find one. Lots of things to do to the 1850 but this is the first time I've had to replace a fuel tank on a tractor and its on a diesel no less ! LOL Go figure right ? It took a bit to get the vent tube off but I wanted to make sure it didn't have anything in it cause it had no blow by, I think the air filter being so old and dirty was making the engine suck air and oil around the ring there for drawing air up the vent tube and maybe why it was slobbering so bad. Might be but then again who knows for sure. But it has a new air filter in it now and we'll see how it now runs after getting it all back together. But for now the work continues and Part 5 is coming soon ! I hope you enjoyed watching and maybe learning something new. Bandit