Since 2017, there has been 2 Peters that have constantly made the news and for different reasons. #PeterStrzok is one of the deepstate masterminds behind the Russia Hoax and The Sham Hillary Email investigation. He is evil and corrupt. The other is fairly new to the scene, at least that is what the media wants us to believe South Bend Mayor #PeteButtigieg Who is now a leading Candidate to win the right to lose to #PresidentTrump in 2020. But do these two Peters have a connection? Here is what the media refuses to report about these two Peters....Please support my efforts at WWW.PATREON.COM/JOSHBERNSTEIN and add The Josh Bernstein Show for free onto your Roku device or Smart TV! I appreciate your support!!!!
Pete Buttigieg,Peter Strzok,President Trump,Trump Rally Phoenix,Mayor Pete,Joseph Buttigieg,FBI,CIA,John Brennan,White Obama,