Students have to work in pairs to perform the experiment. The following
steps are to be strictly followed in the sequence mentioned below.
(i) Put 64 yellow beads in one beaker/petridish and 64 green beads in
the other to represent respectively male and female gametes. Let the
yellow bead be indicated by ‘Y’ and green bead by ‘y’.
(ii) Take a bead from each container and place them together (it represents
fertilisation) on the napkin spread before you on the table. (One student
to take out beads and to put in the hands of the other student who will
put them on the table).
(iii) Just like the previous step, continue to pick beads and arrange them
in pairs. Thus 64 pairs of beads are obtained representing the 64
heterozygous F1 progeny.
Note that all the F1 individuals are represented by one yellow and one
green bead.
(iv) Put 32 F1 progeny in one petridish and the remaining 32 in another
petridish (representing the F1 males and females).
(v) Stir the beads of each petridish with a pencil/pen for about 10 times
taking care that no bead falls off.
vi) To obtain the F2 generation, one student would withdraw one bead
from one beaker labelled male and one from the other beaker labelled
female keeping his/her eyes closed (to ensure randomness), and put
them together in the stretched palm of the partner, who will put them
together on the napkin spread over the table. Continue this process till
all the beads are paired. Thus 64 offsprings of F2 are obtained.
(vii) Note the genotype (YY or Yy or yy) of each pair, and their possible