that the rework is just plain bad and has nothing going for it, that is not the
point of this video.
What I can show you is why there was NO NEED for the rework yet and why it's more or less a consequence of the inability to deal with the RTS System from Wargamings side. But first some other things:
Greenery by Silent Partner from YouTube Audio Library
Nightcore - TheFatRat - Fly Away feat. Anjulie
So, did the rework fix the class? No, it really didn't. Why does WG then think that it did?
Simple answer: Spreadsheets
Why do I have that opinion?
I will answer that in multiple headings and give suggestions what they should have tried before
reworking the class:
One big reason why they reworked the class is because the player base was too small...
and I agree but why was it like that? Maybe because for multiple years there were only
2 lines to play? Or because there were just 3 premium CV's on 2 different tiers (+ broken GZ)
Maybe because there was not enough variety of loadouts and people gave up because there
were no proper tutorials on how to play besides good players making them on YouTube.
They could've at least tried to add another line (British CV line for example) and see if more
people play before just ditching the RTS-playstyle.
So no s**t do more people play CV now, there is a new line and new premiums.
How about increasing the damage per tier and balancing the damage in general?
In the reworked lines they did exactly that, the damage of the strikes increases with tier.
If they did that back in RTS, maybe we could have had manual drops at T4 +T5 and it
wouldn't be just abused by Super Unicums, because the damage wouldn't be on oneshot levels.
Same kinda goes for Anti Air. Some ships obliterated your squadrons in 2 seconds, others made you
wonder if they have AA turned off because they can't shoot down a single plane.
How about balancing the damage of strikes and AA before reworking the class?
Yes, they were. We never asked for them in the first place, did we? They came with Enterprise back
in the day, then they were added to the US Line at T8-T10. I don't really see why we had to add another oneshot mechanic to the game although it was funny to delete Worcester and DesMoines
from full health but if we balanced AA first, we probably wouldn't have to delete these no-fly-zone
monsters. Or we just tune down the damage of AP bombs, so they can't delete you from full health.
As I mentioned before, there should've been proper tutorials so that people don't call me a hacker at T10 for strafing their squads. Also maybe reducing the effectiveness of strafes and staggering the damage per tier.
Oh GZ, what a shitstorm you caused in 2017. First they told the playerbase to "git gud" and "you will get used to it". Soon later they removed it from the shop and begin a playtest for like a year or so and never really figured out what to do with it. I don't have official evidence but I think that the inability
to make GZ playable is also partly the reason for the rework.
Many told WG to just implement fuel or something so that you can't just spot with empty planes for the entire game. Or, make it so that plane spotted DDs for example aren't spotted for the entire team but only in a 10km range or something.
Guess what, the rework didn't to s**t about that, it is exactly as bad, the CV can render you useless if he decides to just attack you over and over while spotting you for the entire enemy team.
These are just my suggestions and I don't know if they would work.
There could be alternative lines and loadouts for support carriers. Some planes could drop
sonar buoys to create a hydro effect in the surrounding area, others could drop smoke bombs to smoke up DDs and Cruisers. There could even be planes that drop repair kits to heal damaged allies.
That is maybe not super realistic but I mean, WoWs is not a simulator in the first place and it
would make CVs fun without just dealing damage.
As you can see, WG could have tried a lot of stuff and they did get tips and suggestions from many people from the community. It was just UNNECESSARY to rework before trying out everything they can which is also the most upsetting part for me, that they didn't even try to save RTS CVs.
They just ditched every part of it because they had literally no idea how to fix it so that everyone is happy.
If you made it to this point, thank you very much for hearing me out.
Have a great day!!