Yes you definitely need to contribute, grow, and nourish yourself and your business or whatever company you are working for --- but many companies abuse this mentality and just use younger people for cheap labor and meaningless tasks.
Think of the 'paying your dues' progression that is taught in school - spend 12 years in school to work your ass off to pay $50,000 a year to spend 4 years learning nonsense in college before you are "good enough" to get a job and start your life.
The great thing about digital marketing is that my students get a needed skillset almost immediately and within a few weeks or months can begin providing value and climbing the ladder at their agency or company or with their freelance clients.
There is still a process of "paying your dues" i.e. working for free in the very beginning of working an entry level lower paying job to get experience before leveraging that into a better job in 6 months or a year - but the timeline is MUCH shorter and you learn along the way.
It pains me when people stay in shitty jobs where they are clearly being taken advantage of because they think they need to "pay their dues". You don't have to - just learn a skillset that people actually need.