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There are so many intercessors in here,
I rejoice for intercessors you're my club.
When I get into a room of intercessors I don't have
to explain much, because as we’re tracking together.
Because of what God has entrusted to intercessors,
intercessors should be the
least defeated people in the room.
I don't say that with any condemnation.
I have stood behind these platforms and pulpits all
over the globe feeling like I was the
messiest girl in the room.
I’d be wondering, “Why did God put me in front?”
I deal with my stuff, I'm very honest, I have accountability layers.
I’m forthright that way, but still working through stuff.
I'm in process and He is upgrading me.
I can be messy and still be walking in faith.
So, that’s the first thing - that intercessors should be
the least defeated people in the room.
Not only should you be the least defeated people
in the room, you should also be the wealthiest!
You're an intercessor.
You should be poor no more.
I want to challenge your thinking.
God is opening up that portal.
We have to go deeper to come up higher.
When we started pastoring, we were blessed
with the building right from the start.
It was 80 years old and needed work.
It was falling apart.
My husband took on the
the building project and worked
with the Planning Commission.
My husband will tell
you that it led to his first breakdown.
He was a young guy doing a huge building
campaign the warfare was intense.
I remember as an intercessor the Lord
teaching me about land, how to pray into the land.
My first big territorial spirit battle was over that church.
We started praying on Saturday nights.
Every time I came to the place of
prayer I'd feel this clamp on my head.
The Holy Spirit told me there was a spirit of witchcraft
sitting on the north side of your city.
The contention got terrible.
The Holy Spirit picked a fight through me.
You need to get authorization to
use your authority with territorial spirits.
In the middle of the night I was contending
in this fight that I never picked.
I'm a fighter by nature, but this was just beyond the normal.
We fasted and prayed and at the end of that fast
I felt the breakthrough.
Over the next year you see the north
side of the city, which was undeveloped -
the whole area got developed with houses, schools, churches
and businesses.
We all need to listen to the Holy Spirit,
and do our prayer assignments.
There is a reward for you.
When you engage in any kind of battle that’s assigned by the Lord,
He will reward you every single time.
My books are all a result of my journey, they are
the Lord's reward.
This my whole point: intercessors should not be poor.
There is a reward to your work.
He pays His intercessors well.
Intercessors should be the wealthiest people in the room.
Ask yourself if you have agreed with poverty.
Have you denied God's voice?
Have you thought, “Well this is for business-people but not for me.”
It’s for you – the Lord rewards His intercessors.