
Kratos Streams Pokemon Uranium Blind Nuzlocke Part 2: Disaster Early and Often?

Kratos Streams Pokemon Uranium Blind Nuzlocke Part 2: Disaster Early and Often? When an unexpected powerhouse shows up disaster strikes. But does it also strike often? Can our pokemon make it out alive?

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Want to know more about Pokemon Uranium?

Pokémon Uranium is a free fangame made in RPG Maker XP and Pokémon Essentials. The game takes place in the Tandor region, where the player must collect 8 Gym Badges in order to compete in the Tandor Regional Championship. Along the way, the player must also fill up their PokéDex with the entries of more than 190 different species of Pokémon.

This series is a blind playthrough and also a blind nuzlocke!

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#Pokemon #Uranium #Nuzlocke

Pokemon Uranium,Pokemon,Pokemon Uranium Nuzlocke,Pokemon Uranium Nuzlocke Mode,Live Pokemon Nuzlocke,Live Nuzlocke,Blind Nuzlocke,Pokemon Uranium Blind Nuzlocke,Nuzlocke,Fan Made,Pokemon Nuzlocke,Uranium Nuzlocke,Uranium Nuzlocke Mode,live,

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