00:32 - Here is the first riddle to boost your attentiveness! Ethan was on his way to school. Suddenly, he heard something. Was a child crying? The sound came from an alley... between two abandoned houses. Ethan: “Hey! Who’s there?” The voice from dumpsters: “Help! I’m trapped! It’s scary!” Something wasn’t right. Ethan got scared. He ran for his life! He headed for school! What’s wrong with the alley?
01:38 - Other tricky puzzles that will boost your brain! Finally, he’s safe! Ethan told the security guard. There was a haunted alley! But the guard ignored him! What’s up with that? Anyway, Ethan had to find his first class. No one wanted to help him. No problem, he just poked his head into every room. Everything was super strange here! What’s weird?
03:44 - This brain teaser will test your critical thinking! Here’s Ethan’s classroom, finally! No one noticed he was late. Thanks, weird clock! Ethan aced the class. No wonder, he’s excellent at history! After class, he saw a girl crying in the hall. Someone stole her purse from her locker! She suspected Missy, Sissy, and Krissy (frenemies, huh?). But she had no proof, of course! Ethan couldn’t just do nothing. He went up to the 3 girls. Where were they last period? Who’s lying?
05:22 - Use your logic and analytical thinking to solve this puzzle! Snack time! Mmmmm! Ethan had to find a place to sit. Only 3 tables have an open chair. Which table should Ethan choose?
06:23 - Improve your attentiveness and detective skills! Something was wrong with his school and the town. He was sure! His next class confirmed it. Someone cursed the teacher’s makeup... sounds crazy! They probably wanted to miss the test! Wait... what’s wrong with Briana’s hands? Who else looks suspicious? Leave your ideas in the comments!
08:08 - Test your ability to think outside the box! In the end, they all took the test. Luckily, the teacher didn’t punish the whole class...because of Briana! Ethan’s crazy day was over! Or not... Three tough guys surrounded Ethan. Uh-oh... They had a challenge for him. All newbies had to pass it. If he refused, they’d beat him up for sure! The guys took him to the basement. He had to spend 5 minutes in one of 4 rooms. Which room is safe?
TELL me IN THE COMMENTS which question was the hardest for you!
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