During Senate estimates a CSIRO official failed to explain why a previous CSIRO finding which said there was no evidence to suggest a link between climate change and bushfires was not found in a recent document explaining the bushfires.
Mr Canavan told Sky News host Chris Kenny it would have been “pretty easy” to include the fact there has been no evidence linking climate change and bushfires in the document.
He said climate change activists however demand “it has all got to be one way" and "everything is a cause of climate change".
“Scientists sometimes feel that pressure too and are somewhat reticent to put the more complex picture into papers like this,” he said.
“It is very easy to blame climate change and that becomes the orthodoxy and cannot be challenged, yet it leads to some very poor policy decisions.
“Everyone apparently is saying if we shut down coal-fired power stations there won’t be any bushfires in Australia anymore.
“It is absurd but it gets somehow established as gospel in this place.”
Image: News Corp Australia