Watch this incredible sighting of a ground squirrel, fighting and taunting a Cape Cobra until it slithers to its own safety. This sighting was shared with LatestSightings.com from the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park by the 41-year-old safari guide, Dave Pusey.
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“We were in the park on the Mata Mata road when we filmed this sighting. We love the Kalahari because you can always expect the unexpected to happen on a daily basis. However, this day was extra special. We had already seen a puff adder in the road, before this sighting, and had seen so many signs of snake activity in the soft sand after some rain – so we weren’t surprised to spot a Cape Cobra on the side of the road – however, he seemed to be very tense and ready to strike, and then we noticed the ground squirrel merely inches away from the cobra.”
“We couldn’t believe our eyes when this scene unfolded before us, and after initially fearing for the ground squirrel, we were amazed at the bravery and speed of the squirrel and how it was irritating the deadly snake. The squirrel kept creeping up to the snake and just as it gets close enough, the snake would launch forward and snap a bite at the squirrel. The squirrel, however, reacted much too quickly and jumped out of the reach of the bite every time!”
“I’ve been traveling to the Kgalagadi for many years, and never thought I would ever see something like this, this was truly a once in a lifetime sighting. “
“We waited for the fascinating story to end, and, after about half an hour, the snake took refuge in some bushes and eventually found a hole to slither into. The female squirrel then started relaxing and carried on with her business. It’s most likely that the squirrel had youngsters close by and just wanted the cobra to move away from the area.”
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