You can run...but ya can't hide forever, let 'em know Siny...
just tell me where those enemies are
we can shoot up their house or their car
just tell me where those ladies stay
I can get up in' em & be on my way
haters on the list I'm anxious to rip I'm clutching my fist dying like hell to slam the fuck out their lips
I can have your blood, Sinykill gets your bitch
kinda hard to talk shit with your whole face split
you'll get kicked in the jaw you're pissing me off
hard headed big mouth prick you're missing the cause I'm done with you like u.p.s. & shipping you off
you don't scare me at all don't give a shit who you are
y'all amuse me not knowing what you're doing bitch
by the time you got it we mobbed your place & ruined it
I find you right after I hear my name in vain
people get dealt with cuz they're stupid it's a shame
you're caught like we're cops on a stakeout knocking fakes out
your dumb ideas you oughta pump the brakes pal
so what the fuck? I don't hear shit now
you got checked & wrecked after we pointed you out
we are not friends don't try to condescend
you wanna to put on a show but I'll bring it to its end
fuck your talk fuck your typing start shit cuz you don't like me
but face to face you won't dare wanna fight me
will I back off when I'm calm? not fuckin' likely
I know a lotta of you fucks startin' what ya can't finish
fuck you it's too late to apologize so forget it
after you're done middle finger good riddance
I don't play that macho shit & don't you threaten me
c4 in your house afterwards you'll be regretting things
I got no guilt with my conscience I'm intolerant & obnoxious to every 1 of you I'll talk this
you aren't tough or thugs with drugs or gangsters
runnin' around yelling loud I fuckin hate cha
you fuckin' punks aren't proving nothin' now
bullshitters you are you got pointed out
the moral of this story is....don't start some shit & act like something you're not. I see through you camouflaged bitches. You cannot fool me. Like my homie Choppa said: You don't intimidate me you entertain me. I can tell what you're about....I can point you out like nothing. & you better be fuckin sure when & who you challenge someone or you run your mouth to....cuz it could be someone that'll put your lights the fuck....OUT.