
A 13-Year-Old Adopted Boy Adapts To An Opulent New Life - JEAN FOREST

A 13-Year-Old Adopted Boy Adapts To An Opulent New Life - JEAN FOREST In Paris, France, a 13-year-old boy is adopted by a very wealthy, female American philanthropist who lives in the city. The boy, Antoine (known as "Gribiche", Jean Forest), is taken aback by the opulence of his new surroundings, with a sparsely furnished bedroom nearly the size of a ballroom, and an equally large en suite, Art Déco bathroom (which still looks fashionable today) combined with dressing room. Now Gribiche's life is run on a strict timetable, overseen by a hostile governess and an aloof butler. He is woken at 6:30 am, takes a hot bath (which he obviously enjoys, except it is cut short), has breakfast (Gribiche is troubled by the hard, dry toast), then a boxing lesson followed by a cold shower. Finally, at 7:55 am, he is properly dressed for a day of lonely school lessons, etc.
This is from the classic 1926 French silent film, "Gribiche" (aka "Mother Of Mine"), and is highly recommended by me, although I realise a movie this old will not appeal to everyone.


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