
Witsit and his Word Salad

Witsit and his Word Salad @Witsit Gets It serves word salad without dressing. Following his @MCToon debate this Dunning Kruger Effect powered flerf still thinks that he 'won' the debate and can't understand why MC Toon didn't just concede!

Let's just annoy him a bit by picking apart some of his guff!

Don't forget to check out @mctoon channel!

#WitsitGetsIt #DunningKrugerEffect #WordSalad

@Witsit Gets It video:


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totally busted,busted,bitchmade,bitch made,flerf,dunning kruger,dunning kruger effect,gas pressure requires a container,atmosphere,flat earth,globe earth,atmopheric gradient,air pressure,torr,newton,einstein,globe denier,flattard,idiot,globe killer,blue marble,witsit getsit,witsit gets it,atmospheric gradient,atmospheric pressure,word salad,gas pressure,cherry picking,

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