
90% of Reality Creation is Complete when you change this one belief

90% of Reality Creation is Complete when you change this one belief Over 90% of Reality Creation is ALREADY Complete when you change this one belief. If you'd like to finally let go of your old beliefs and SHIFT to the reality you prefer, be sure to check out this meditation:

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This video I'm going to show you how 90% of reality creation is complete when you change this one belief. I'm going to show you how this changes everything and exactly how to do it. Welcome back to another video. My name is Aaron and I help people expand their consciousness.

Now in this video I'm going to be sharing with you the one belief that if you change over 90% of reality creation is already complete. It is a belief that as well many people make it so much more difficult than it has to be just based on the fact that we see and we believe that it has to be this way and first off, understand that for this process, beliefs create reality.

Whatever we believe to be true is reflected back to us. On the other side. If we believe that it's hard to attract a relationship, then it will be hard to attract a relationship. We will find ourselves in situations that make it appear to be hard. We will act, feel and think consistently to a reality where it is hard to attract a relationship and if it's hard to attract money, same thing.

There's a belief it is hard to attract money, therefore it Zen something that we experienced in our life. So it's about understanding that whatever we perceive of is because first we have an inner belief that says something and then reality reflects that back to us. Now, a lot of what I teach and a lot of what I share is how if you change your beliefs, you change your life.

Now what you could do is you could go and look for your beliefs about relationships and change your beliefs about relationships and loves that you can attract love into your life. What you could do is you can go to your beliefs about money and say, you know, I want to attract more money into my life.

You could go and look at your beliefs about money and change your beliefs about money. You could look at your beliefs about your health and losing weight or being the perfect energy level and you could change your beliefs about that. However, there's one belief that if you change, makes these three things so much easier and it's a belief that a lot of people sell from pose.

This one belief is simply believing that change is hard or that it is difficult to manifest what you want, like instead of changing your beliefs about relationships or beliefs about money, your beliefs about health, what have you changed your beliefs about reality itself? What if instead of believing that there's this big story to the way that reality works and believing that change is really hard and transformation has to come from no pain, no gain, what if instead of that you realize that things could be easy, the things could be in flow, that things you could allow to happen.

You see, instead of going for the individual beliefs around each individual category, what did you challenge your beliefs about reality itself and the way that reality works? You see, this is the profound shift that you can have in your life and this is what I have a, this is what I have noticed about the process.

When we understand the quantum physics of things and the quantum physics shows us that every moment is a new moment. All potentiality is exists right now. When we understand that, we can then see that every moment is a new moment. Every moment is a new moment. Every moment is a new moment right now, right now, right now.

So the idea is what story we tell ourselves right now. What story telling herself right now? What story are we telling herself right now? Because they, Oh, this is hard. Well then it will be hard. Then we can realize that every moment's a new moment anyways. So why not create a greater degree of change between this moment and this moment?

You see, because the potentiality is already exists. But it's about knowing. It can be easy if we allow it to be easy. But we all have a story about how relate about how relationships work, about how health works, about how money works, but how reality works.

This story is keeping this narrative on autopilot and it is keeping us in experiencing certain things over and over and over again. But it's about realizing that if you're creating the...

Adventures by A Himitsu
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0

Music released by Argofox
Music provided by Audio Library

reality creation,change belief,belief shifting,beliefs create reality,beliefs and reality,aaron doughty,aaron doughty raise your vibration,manifest,law of attraction,how to change a belief,how to shift beliefs,90% of Reality Creation is Complete when you change this one belief,change beliefs,beliefs create your reality,manifestation,parallel realities,walk into parallel reality,the law of attraction,how to shift parallel realities,how to let go of old beliefs,

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