
I Pay My Girl's Ex Rent To Be With Her

I Pay My Girl's Ex Rent To Be With Her Hi, I’m Miles. I fell in love with a girl...and I had to pretend to be someone else entirely in order to date her. It lead to...a chase scene, and one BIG BIG surprise about her...and her gorilla ex. So...
"I was working the late shift at a convenience store when she walked in. She had torn clothes, a bruised cheek, and a few small cuts on her body. At the same time, she had this... brave look in her eyes. It just clicked. I liked her so much from just one look.
She bought some band aids and was ready to leave, and I knew it was my last chance, so I asked if I could help her to put them on her cuts. She looked at me for a few seconds... and agreed. Her name was Allison.

While I was putting them on outside, she told me all about it - she and her now EX boyfriend tried to steal some stuff from a store just for the fun of it and because he had no money. A security guard noticed, so they had to run away. She jumped over the fence and, well...she had an unlucky fall, and her boyfriend ran away without her. At this moment he became her EX boyfriend. She snorted and said “guys try to act tough, but then all of them are real sissies.” Oh man. And I was just Miles, just a dude. She wouldn’t have liked someone like me. So after a second I created the NEW, cool Miles.

I told her stories about this cool Miles. Cool Miles was fighting and winning against three guys at the same time, going to all the parties in town, and hanging out with dangerous friends. She was touching her hair and biting her lips while I told her all about me... Cool Miles.
When I was at home later, I realized what I had done, but there was no way back. So I invented Cool Miles fully - I changed the way I talked, walked, behaved, and dressed. I had never spent so much energy on ANYTHING before. But I guess this is what love does to people.
Allison and I began dating. I had to be in this “bad boy” character all the time. I came up with thousands more stories, began to vape, and sometimes stole from stores in front of her. Sometimes I would slip, and let “regular nerd Miles” out, and get excited about stuff like anime. But just for a few seconds. Then the new me was back. And when we kissed... oh my god, it was so worth all this hassle. This heaven... didn’t last long, though.

During one party we went outside and just were kissing non-stop. We could go on doing that forever, and I was ready to move a bit further... but then some big gorilla hand took my shoulder and turned me around. A big guy with a square face, and yes, he was very angry. “Stop kissing my girlfriend.” Oh. It was her ex, Owen.
She immediately started screaming at him about how I was her new boyfriend and how I would destroy him with just one punch. “Oh yeah?” said Owen and moved veeeeeeery close to me. I kept smiling confidently, but in reality I wanted to scream and run away. I hoped that Allison couldn’t see how bad my legs were shaking at that moment. I didn’t move an inch, but only because I was too scared to move.

Owen just kept staring at me like that. I could FEEL the hot air coming from his nose, SEE his sweaty face and...smell it. It was more intimate than kissing Allison. And then I lost it. I started laughing loudly, accidentally spitting in his face. I did it because I was nervous, but... he just waited for a few seconds more, snorted, and moved away. I bet you could also find stuff like that on National Geographic…
In reality, he could DESTROY me. But... it worked out well. Allison was so in love with me at that moment that I expected her eyes to turn into hearts, like in the cartoons. And then she said, “my parents aren’t home."" Well, you can guess the rest.

I thought it was over and Owen the Gorilla wouldn’t bother me anymore, but yeah, this is not what happened AT ALL. After a perfect week with Allison, who was now acting like a sweet kitten with me, I got into the most dangerous situation of my life. I finished one of my late shifts at the convenience store and went outside. I immediately noticed that a bunch of guys were following me. Every time I turned, they turned as well. When I walked faster, they would speed up too. I knew exactly WHO it was. I knew I didn’t stand a chance, so I started running! I tried to think fast - turning to different streets, even going in circles, trying to find dark places! Basically everything to lose them. I knew this area of the city better than them and tried to use this to my advantage. But nothing worked! They were steadily following me. My heart was pumping, all my limbs were trembling.

New 2020 true story animated that actually happened!




Music by Epidemic Sound:

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